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Personal & Health Coaching

“There was a moment in sports when employing a coach was unimaginable—and then came a time when not doing so was unimaginable.” Personal Best – New Yorker Magazine.

This sentiment is now understood and applied within many organisations, where the quality of service delivery is key to their future.

Personal Coaching is about supporting individuals to find solutions to the challenges they face, or finding direction when the pathway isn’t clear. Personal coaching is extremely effective as it pinpoints the exact need and solution.

 Health coaching – would you like to improve your health and wellbeing? Do you struggle to manage long term health conditions and feel unsure how to move forward with this, alongside your job role? Are you unsure how to resolve a problematic work relationship, or achieve better work/life balance? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you are probably one of the many people who need some help in maximising their potential and would benefit from coaching.

Our coaching is provided by highly skilled, approachable, and qualified individuals.